Powerful Vibe Always Shines
By Chris Carney
If you follow the theory that actions speak louder than words then Lenny Kravitz is a giant among men. He has achieved many of the hallmarks of success, including four consecutive Grammy Awards from 1998-2001 and the most coveted bit of resume bling around, a guest spot on The Simpsons.
His music, like his life, is a fusion of multiple styles, influences and interests. A self-confessed retro artist, Kravitz's music mixes elements of rock, funk, soul, psychedelia and folk in a style that is truly his own.
Kravitz is a multiple instrument master, playing nearly all the guitar, bass, drums, keyboards and percussion on his albums. He's written for Madonna, produced for Cree Summer and Vanessa Paradis and sat shotgun alongside Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler and Stevie Wonder.
But it is onstage where his power, energy and charisma really shine. His live shows feel exactly like the crazy hair-twirling raucousness of his videos, complete with ear-shredding guitar licks, deeply guttural vocals and blazing lights sure to cause spots for days.
Published in LasVegas Magazine 1-13-08 |